Situations where the wood or wood-based product is inside a structure, not exposed for weather and humidification.
The attack of fungi or wood-destroying fungi is insignificant and always unintentional.
This could be rafters, under floors, in skunks, cavities and other surfaces where people does not come into immediate contact with the treated surface.
The products are approved for use class 1: ProtoxInsekt and ProtoxInsekt Konc.
Situations where the wood-based product is under cover and not exposed to the weather (especially rain and driving rain) but where occasional, but not continuous, wetting may occur.
In the service class, water condensation may occur on the surface of wood-based products Products.
This can be any type of woodwork in a structure that is under a roof or sheltered from wind and rain. weighing, where there is a risk of re-wetting, e.g. due to thermal bridges, pipes, condensation at changing temperatures (roof structures). It is up to the user/tradesman to decide whether there is a risk of rewetting at the time of use of the product.
Products approved for use class 2: ProtoxKombiAqua, ProtoxSvamp and ProtoxAquabase2.
Situations where the wood or wood-based product is above ground and exposed to the weather (especially rain).
Infestation by wood-damaging fungi and wood-destroying fungi is possible.
The products can be used on all types of wood outdoors that are not in direct contact with ground or water (lakes, rivers, streams or the sea, see next slide).
There is a wide range of usage situations and when applicable, usage class 3 can be divided into two subclasses, usage class 3.1 and usage class 3.2.
Subclass 3.1
In this situation, the wood and wood-based product will not stay wet for long periods of time. Water will does not accumulate.
Subclass 3.2
In this situation, wood or wood-based products will remain wet for long periods of time. Water will can accumulate (e.g. standing water, puddle).
The products are approved for use class 3: ProtoxKombiAqua, ProtoxSvamp and ProtoxAquabase2.